The Nutrition System

The step-by-step guide to nutrition for optimal strength training and muscle growth.

It's time to take your training to the next level!

Click Below to Get Instant Access to Bar Brothers Nutrition Now!

"The purpose of this course is to make it easy for you to eat right
and have the body of your dreams."
- Lazar Novovic

Bar Brothers Nutrition

The Bar Brothers nutrition program is a step-by-step guide to eating healthy, burning fat, and building muscle.

This program includes a video introduction so you can quickly get started with the nutrition guide.

You’ll then have access to the core guidebook which includes 14 full sections on eating clean, staying healthy and getting strong. Here are just a few of the things you will learn within the guidebook:

  • How muscles grow and what you should be eating to get ripped.
  • How much food you should be eating to get stronger and not fatter.
  • What are the best types of food for quick muscle growth.
  • When is the best times to eat for your body.
  • What to do when fat is hiding your muscles and keeping you from a ripped appearance.
  • How to find cheap and healthy sources of protein.
  • What you need to know about hormones and muscles growth.
  • And so much more! This is only a few of the many topics covered.

Beyond the guidebook you will also gain access to the Bar Brothers exclusive 7-Day Meal Plans. These meal plans are delicious and also dynamic. They can easily be customized to your body type and activity goals.

And beyond all of these training materials, Dusan and Lazar have created a meal plan explanation video where they will prepare a meal with you, showing you step-by-step how to measure and make the perfect muscle building foods.